Non-human CO2 emissions: Mammoth Mountain

Jun 17, 2011 04:53

Mammoth Mountain CA, (1 of around 5,000* volcanoes that although classified as "inactive" still produces out-gassing) is producing CO2 at the rate of around 40,150 metric tons per year.  To put that into perspective of human production of CO2, Mammoth Mountain puts out as much CO2 every 4.5 hours as the average person in the U.S. put out in a year.

*5,000 is a very loose number that includes under ocean volcanoes that have not been empirically surveyed, but are believed to be nearly double the number found on land (2/3 the Earth's surface is ocean, 2/3 the volcanoes are oceanic...).  This number is highly debated with many geologists and oceanographers pointing out that mid-oceanic ridges are the most volcanically active places on Earth.  Other scientists point out the "common-sense" argument that the truely active oceanic volcanoes (Hawaii, Krakatoa, Iceland) tend not to stay under water.
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