Running, etc.

Aug 07, 2010 18:17

Tomorrow is the end of week 4 of my half marathon training program. 4 more weeks until I'm ramped up on mileage! Then speed!

I'm up to running 4.5 miles on the week days, doing 50 minutes of biking on Saturdays, and my long run on Sunday should be up to 7 miles, though I've not been doing them for various reasons.

Between the pole dancing, the running, and the biking, I'm guessing that I'm burning off about 1,700 calories a week. I've also been eating healthier and haven't had any sodas, just water and Gatorade.

As a result, I'm down almost 10lbs. Yay!

Honestly, my biggest bit of joy is from the running. I'm totally excited that I can run so far. My goal is to get my weekly runs up to 6 miles in about 60 minutes before work 3 days a week, then a long run of 10-15 miles on the weekends. Keeping up, of course, with both the dancing and other cross training.

I got new running shoes and new boots yesterday. The shoes are Asics in a nice wide shoe with a grippy bottom. I'm hoping they last until at least January, so I can get new shoes before the half in March and break them in.

Ended up signing up for the 5k on the 21st. I was going to skip August due to the heat, but I've missed having a race to look forward to. So, that one, and then the 1mile then the 10 mile at the end of September. I'm hoping to have the mileage and some speed by the 10 miler, but we will see how it all shapes up.

Managed to get jury duty on the 24th--I've never been on a jury, so I'm kind of excited.

We're heading out to Vanhoof's engagement party in a little bit. I'm glad for him. S'weird. All my single friends are getting hitched; all my hitched friends are having babies, and everyone else is in limbo. It's contributing, I think, to all my 'OH NO YOU'RE KNOCKED UP' dreams. :P

Oooh, time to get outta here. :)
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