Nov 24, 2010 17:12
I've been writing a bit on FB about Christmasmarkets and I wanted to expand on that a bit. In Germany, around this time of the year, they start having Christmasmarkets in public squares. These consist of a number of rustic looking booths selling assorted craft items and food that you can eat while standing. There is also gluhwein; spices hot wine that you can walk around and drink while you peruse the aforementioned delights. This generally comes in a collector's mug that you can return for a deposit when you are done drinking, or keep as a memento. As a person who greatly enjoys outdoor festivals where drinking is involved, I am happier than a pig in shit.
Also, on more of a downer, I continued my tour of Koln's many museums. The last one I went to was the National Socialism museum. Yes, this was a bit of a downer. It is located in a building that was the Koln gestapo headquarters during the bad times. Most of it was not in English and therefore difficult to understand due to the technical language used, but it was pretty obvious when you were, say, looking at a bunch of detention cards for Gypsy's or whatnot.
The worst part was going down into the basement where they had the cells and torture rooms, where you could read what people had scratched on the walls. Yeah, I can live without seeing that again. The place was so horribly impressive that you had to be crazy to want to be in there under any circumstances.
Will Guantanamo have a similar museum one day?