
Oct 25, 2010 18:09

Last night, after posting and eating, I went out to Rudolfplatz to a bar called Joe Champs which is, as far as I can tell, the only place in Koln that plays real football. I watched the end of the Titans game and then the entire Pats-Chargers game. The thing with the 6 hour time difference is that a 4:15pm game starts at 10 here and goes until 2am. It takes a certain kind of person to stick out out that long and the bar had a couple of those last night. MNF is an impossibility due to the 2:30am start time. The bar in question was just cheesy and englophonic enough to fool me into thinking I was in a Florida sports bar or something. I walked back home extremely buzzed and ready to vote for George Bush's 3rd term.

I also have been diving deeper into the Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire. At this point we're about 30 emperors in from Caesar Auguistus and a pattern of 'guy becomes emperor, is assassinated 6 months later by praetorians' is definitely fixed in place. My question is, at that point, who wants to be emperor? "Hacked to death by pissed off legionaries? No thanks, I think I'll just hang out at my villa and enjoy, you know, living." Perhaps the purple, like the presidency, only attracts those crazy enough to want it. The historical record seems to bear that out.

Also, Apparently Randy Quaid is crazy. Who knew?
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