
Oct 21, 2010 17:22

I did a half day of work and then took a cab to the airport. The cab driver (who drove a LNG cab. Didn't know those existed) was a bit of a character and I'm ever so glad that he felt comfortable enough around me to drop the N-bomb as I was exiting. Class is so easy to find sometimes. Boarded the plane and proceeded to sit on the runway for two hours as they fixed some ill defined problem. The whole time I had the pleasure of listening to two screaming children the next isle over. You know what? The next time I fly I'm going to bring some horribly annoying noisemaker like a vuvuzela or an air horn and when a kid starts screaming I'm going to start blasting away at the thing right in the parent's ear. Either of those items is almost as annoying in a confined space as a screaming child and I will be fascinated to see a flight attendant come running my way to stop me and ignore the child. It's called children's Nyquil. use it. Don't tell me that it'll hurt the baby. How much do you want to bet that Einsteins parents smoked and drank through his 9 months of gestation. Drug your kid.

Since I got in two hours late I missed my connection. Ran across the Bonn airport, through passport control to the train station like a fiend and got there in time to have the train pull out as I huffed down the escalator. Not a huge problem, but I had to wait an hour for the next one. When it finally came it was a bullet train that whisked me through the countryside at something near 100 MPH and an hour later I was in Koln. Dropped my stuff of in the apartment and went into work. After a full day there I went back to the apartment to realize that the heat haden't been turned on and it was as cold as the outside there, (40 degrees F) sans wind. I huddled under every blanked and sheet and towel in the house and waited for morning.
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