Oct 02, 2005 14:17
This weekend, my wonderful folfy mate come over to stay with me in a hotel with a jacuzzi for 2 nights. He came over Friday afternoon, but due to his speed, he arrive a full hour early. Although he did this, I skipped out both my afternoon classes just so i could meet him here when he arrived. Right on time, he called and I tried my best to talk him towards the dorms, since he didn't go to the parking lot I told him to go to in the first place :P XD, I finally lead him over to the dorms. As he knocked on the door, I let him in (Thank god roommate was out) and he had to look around the dorm room (not much of a tour mind you, its TINY). As soon as I got the last things packed, we took off towards the hotel. Turns out his trip was quite uneventful, which I'm assuming was good. As we got to our room, we tossed down our stuff and shnuggled into the night ^_^ Awww it was so dang fun. We connected the PS2 and got to watching some TV, but not before him telling me to "look in the upper drawer." A bit hesitant at first, I did open it though to find an array of gifts. Before me was his wonderful wolf T-shirt that i'll proudly wear tomorrow morning (Only reason i didn't wear it with him was to avoid suspicion by stupid roommate). Our framed commission that he had done for us, my con badge ^_^ *yays!*, a big soft cuddly plushie (Of which i had to tell him to hang onto due to its size, since i couldn't hide it in the dorm rooms very well), and his special navy reserve coin. Gods he spoils me too much ^^() I feel bad that I can't afford much of anything for him anymore. I'm basically out of money other then the saved reserve money in my checkbook. Other then that, the first night was kinda uneventful, but that was fine by me, it slowly led to other things *blush*.
The second day, we both kinda woke up really groggy, as either of us really didn't sleep that much over that night. As we woke up, Light had been a bit sick the night before, and i was starting to feel a bit cruddy myself. After he showered, I jumped in to clean up and get ready and woken up. After getting dressed and all, we came back to the dorms and went back into my room to find out that my roommate was standing there in the buff...*Shudders, shakes, quivers, cries, and howls his pity since it was the most repulsive sight he's ever seen* Anyhow...after he got dressed (Thank the furry gods), we got some things from my room and took off towards the mall. (And yes, I know i'm more then likely leaving things out, but I honestly had too much fun to take notice to the order of events ^^() sowwy babe, if i get something wrong, or leave something out, you can put it in your LJ) After looking around there, bopping around the shops and what not, we went to the plushie/candy store and got some candy. After that I led him to a whatever those are health/nutrition places and got some sleeping pills, just in case. Soon after, we had some lunch and took off back to the hotel and watched a movie and some more TV. And if anyone has ever watched Road Trip, I'm in it _> Guess who I am...*Jeopardy music plays* Later that night, we went to go watch the movie Lord of War. And if you haven't seen it yet, go see it. Its based off true events and its honestly hard to believe at first, but as you get further into the movie, Nicholas Cage's character really begins to form. I don't care what the critics say that it only got a C+, to me, that was an A movie. You really have to appreciate the end and finally find out what kind of people there are in the world that wouldn't care less about what happens around them and they help in the carnage. As we drove back, we kinda got into an emotional situation, of which I couldn't hold in for very long, it made him feel bad, but I think my words soothed that and healed it over quite well considering what i was crying for. After we got back to the hotel, it was jacuzzi/pawing/kissing time once again. *blushes deeply* Then we got into bed, nekkid...and yeah...things kinda started to happen...and stuff...but we didn't get too far, it was really cold for me in the room ^^(). So....yeah, I slept in the nude after that and basically just slept with him all night all curled up close.
The morning was interesting to say the least, had a bit of a shower together *Blushes deeply* For some reason, even after all that i did that weekend, I was really bashful to do that even, heck if i know why. After we got cleaned up, we sadly had to start picking up and packing the car up. As soon as that was done, we sat down in the breakfast area and chowed down a bit, which truthfully, even though i only had a stale bagel and a cup of both milk and orange juice, it was one of the best meals i had in the morning for quite some time ^^. We checked out of the room after that and headed back to the dorms, of which we kinda played around with a few online with some webcam teasing and stuff, but nothing too big, especially since my roommate was out and i had no idea where he was. Thankfully, we didn't really do anything, since he did come back and kinda aggrivated us. Oh well, he got his computer now, so he'll be on that for the most part. Even though he's been basically watching me this entire time, IE with the smallest sized text defeats all! Muhahaha!! Anyhow, its been a wonderful, experience building weekend for me, and I really hope next time I can do even more with my wonderful folfy. Love you Light hon!!
Fang ^_^