(no subject)

Nov 11, 2014 04:17


Hygiene and body care
*brush teeth morning and night
*use mouthwash.  floss?
*moisturizer at night use moisturizer foundation
*vaseline around eyes at night
*Vitamins everyday

*Apply for H.R. class and loan

*Diet with calories, 75 pounds lost so far!
*Work out  a few times a week, try to play games or watch anime to keep it interested
*Crunches and midsection
*Maybe workouts for chest

Art and hobbies
*Game, or watch now and then, no schedule yet
*Books on cd!
*Keep a journal on occasion

Other health
*Try to sleep more
*Set Eye, Dental, and adult health and gynecologist appts
*Counseling through midtown

Purchases for hobbies
*Later camera and sewing machine

Lessons and classes in the future
much later
*Martial Arts

*tires if needed
*damn ignition recall

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