Sep 23, 2009 19:05
Wow! That.. That's so neat!
[it's obvious that he's going to record something, communicator currently being held to eye-level as if recording from a regular video camera. ]
Anyway, I feel .. sort-of bad I don't use this as often as I should, though I do have another question.. Is thi-
Ouch! [well there it is.
and the communicator clatters to the floor. have the view of its dirty surface.]
Ow... I didn't realize it'd been that lon-
[and the communicator is picked up again. except, well, not really. it, like many other objects that Bakura is yet unaware of in Horton, is floating. have an aerial of a very, very nonplussed teenager; (?!!!?!) brows furrowed and worried as he stares up at it. starts to flail his arms useless towards it, as if trying to get its attention. yes prz git bck here.]
Hey--! AH-
[and this is the communicator pelting towards him. fast, so that everything turns blurry. then the close-up sight of his striped shirt, a yelp, and then momentarily blackness with the collision that followed. it knocks him hard in the stomach, before flying up again. he's doubled over now, gasping for breath, wincing while looking up, arms wrapped around his stomach as he tries to reason with it--]
Hey, um- please! Please-- AHH?! STOP!
[nope. it plummets toward him again, but he's slightly more prepared this time. the door's flung open, and he's sprinting down the hall, communicator zooming after him, faster than him. to the viewer, it'd merely look as if you're chasing him down the hall. he chances a glance back; but isn't quick enough to see it before it crashes into his back. he trips, unbalanced, falls. the communicator tumbles down as well, the view is incredibly shaky and blurry-]
[it's being wrestled down to an at least somewhat watchable state. and here's Ryou's face again, looking utterly taken aback, flustered, and confused. albeit a tad embarrassed he's getting his ass kicked by a communicator. he's still lying on his stomach on the floor, btw. evidently getting up while dealing with this thing would be... difficult.]
Is there -- [camera shaking, struggling here] -- any way -- [and here's a particularly NOTABLE jerk, maybe it'll settle down in some time, but in the meanwhile-] -- to make this stop?
chip event: cube,
yessssss yet more flying objects,
do not want,
oh gosh!,
this post is ridiculous