Post-Shotalolicon '09 [text]

Aug 14, 2009 02:17

[Private to self, unhackable]
This past month has been hellish. Just when I thought things couldn't get weirder around here than talking war swords obsessed with socks everyone had to go and turn into little kids for an entire week near the end of of last month, myself included. Everything thinks it was something in the food. I don't know what the hell happened near the end of that week but I found myself on the battle field just like... On Saturday I... and everyone else...

It was real. All that was real. Wasn't it real? I... I could remember everything so clearly.

I'm just so glad it didn't last. Blacky managed to make it last an extra week which was cute adorable awkward ...interesting. We watched movies and I even substituted for her class that week. That was pretty fun, actually. Once she grew out of it... up of it... turned back to normal she passed out from exhaustion and wouldn't wake up. I was so scared she wou- I stayed with her in the hospital for a bit, but I think I went drinking sometime during that time. I talked with uuuuhh... Olimar I think his name was. Nice guy, didn't seem like the drinking type though. Must of been someone's designated driver for the night, poor guy. More of a bookworm type. I saw Goose and a whole lot of other faculty there too. Maybe I should make it a weekly thing if they do.

Oh shit, that reminds me; I completely forgot to get a hold of EVA. I stopped by the library a couple of times but she intimidates me a little too for some reason I am a little shy insert clever mun explanation here she's a real sneak she's a real sneak. ...I guess it doesn't really matter at this point since I have another date somehow with Blacky again. I've got the golf cart and my guilty conscious all ready but... Hm. I think I will try to stop by the library again anyway...

Max just came back the other day too, I should stop by and say hi at least.

I had a weird dream about Captain N the other night... Hey, weren't there meteor showers the other night? Did anyone else see them? I watched it on TV.

[Private to Samus, unhackable]
Samus! Sometimes I feel like I need to reaffirm the fact we are friends! Weird question but you're a woman you're supposed to like chocolate I heard rumors on the internets you like chocolate do you... know if pink chocolate is actually... real?

this wasn't in the simulation!, shotalolicon '09, nightmares, *lash, pink chocolate, #text, this school is painful, *samus, %location: td-03, rose is going to kill me, *bob, *eva

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