Well, I've come to accept it: I LOVE SPORTS ANIME! Seriously. There's something about sports anime that draws me to them. And I bet it's mainly the overabundance of boys and the lack of girls. -.-;; Aha.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is Ookiku Furikabutte is one of my favorite anime now. And it's about baseball. . . . Baaasseeeball. Um, I don't really like baseball. But I do like tennis and basketball, so I kind of understand why I'm watching Prince of Tennis and Slam Dunk. (Although football is definitely not on my funlist but I watch Eyeshield 21 as well.) So why am I even bothering to watch Ookiku Furikabutte? I guess the reason may be the same as why I'm watching Eyeshield 21--the CHARACTERS!
Omg, the characters are just AWELRAHWIlaiwherlaiweLIRWH. I love them to bits. Especially Abe Takaya. Argh, he is just so admirable and cool. Abe is the catcher of the high school baseball team that the show revolves around. He's such a hardworker and tries to bring out the best in his pitcher, Mihashi Ren, who has some confidence issues. Abe is Mihashi's support, the one who will lend a shoulder to lean on. Aa, he's just a;lwierh. Love him.
And uh, I have to admit, this show screams BL. XD BUT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WHEN I DECIDED TO WATCH IT!! All I knew was that it's good because
quaaaack has it under her anime list. AND IT'S BOLDED IN HER LIST SO IT'S GOTTA BE REALLY, REALLY GOOD! :3 And yeah, it totally is.
Abe and Mihashi have this "thing" goin'. I mean seriously. (They're holding hands by episode 3. Take that however you will. :3) And if they don't, then Iuno what it is. Aha, I ain't really explaining what happens in the show but they're a load of fun. <3
If you want something that will fill you in on the plot and characters, head on over to
this, an excellent introduction to Oofuri. Anyway, yeah. I just had to say something about this show. ^^