Nov 05, 2006 17:23
Okay, so . . . Bleach is ruining my life. Not that Gundam Wing, or Hikaru no Go, or Prince of Tennis, or . . . *gets slapped* didn't but . . . THIS IS GETTING RIDONKULOUS! *frazzled* Not my fault the anime is still going on and like I have to wait for new episodes . . . and not watch them all in one go. ;_; Must. Know. What. Happens.
Arrgh, and the manga, og . . . more things to take up my time. (,_,)/// *sighs* Life is going down the drain . . . and I can't stop it. Well, I can but I don't want to? HOW SAD!
MY GOSH WTF! KUROSAKI ICHIGO IS LIKE ARGH! LAIWEHRLIHAawleiahrwaER!!! 1122! LMAO 12 = 1x2! AAHAHA. Well, actually, 1x2 = 2. Hm.
Anyway, the point is, Kurosaki Ichigo is a bad ass. BAD ASS! =_= aw;elirailw! OMG I'm CRAZY! AHAELRIH! *shakes self* Too much sugar. Well no, TOO MUCH BLEACH AND KUROSAKI ICHIGO! Lmoa. Ha.
*spams* ELRIH.
And omg, why don't I have an Ichigo icon? Or like an IchigoxIshida icon? OR A BLEACH ICON!! Aha. Roffle time.
So addicted to Kurosaki Ichigo this show. aweihra. Ichigo = rawr. rAwr!
ETA: OMG, don't get me started on Hollow!Ichigo, lol. :3
prince of tennis,
kurosaki ichigo,
hikaru no go,
gundam wing,