Room 238 [Tuesday Morning]

Dec 20, 2005 08:54

John is not ready to wake up yet. Nope, not at all. So, he fakes sleep and cuddles against Aeryn for warmth because, dude, it's cold outisde. Thank goodness they'd made it to the bed last night.

Since he's not awake, nope not at all, he takes a mental checklist of yesterday's events:

- Angel got a dog. Angel then turned into a puddle of goo ( Read more... )

aeryn helps angel with girls, sean, room 238, angel, snuggling with aeryn

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notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:05:49 UTC
"Hey, Aeryn," Angel said after John and Aeryn had had their snuggle time, "you're a girl."

He said that last part as though it explained absolutely everything he'd been thinking, and no further words needed be spoken.


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:11:34 UTC
"Um. Good of you to notice," she says and we're totally going to pretend there's already clothing for all this bit because zomg.


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:13:26 UTC
"You understand girl things," Angel continued, again as though this was obvious. Clothed, check. Totally not picturing anybody naked. Especially John.


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:17:26 UTC
Aeryn should probably be glad this is the first time she's had a conversation that started out like this. "Most of them. I'm sure there are some planetary differences... What are we talking about here?" Just remember what happened the last time there was kissage.


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:21:34 UTC
"Well, okay," Angel held a hand out as though gesturing towards a concept. Sean saw this, thought Angel was trying to pet him, and immediately attacked the hand with licks. "Um - right. Kay. See, thing is I might, maybe, possibly, sort of, kind of, vaguely... dating somebody. Maybe."


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:24:11 UTC
She blinks, trying to decipher all of that, and giving up. "All right, I didn't get any of that. You're going to have to repeat it in a sentence my microbes can translate."


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:29:54 UTC
Angel covered his face with his free hand. He really hated the talking thing. Or having to be verbal as a concept.

But atonement was a bitch so...

"I was thinking about dating somebody."


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:33:28 UTC
She's really not sure where this is going. "Okay... Congratulations?"


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:39:12 UTC
"Might be premature," Angel said. He picked Sean up and rubbed his belly. "I - uh - need some help. With her. And the whole concept."


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:43:19 UTC
"From me?" she asks, because she hadn't been expecting that. "What kind of help?"


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:54:37 UTC
"Could you maybe talk to her?" Angel asked. "'cause me and dating... can be a bad thing. A really bad thing." He grimaced. "Just ask Buffy. But Parker and Rory and John are all saying it might be a good thing. And I thought maybe somebody could ask her if she agreed?"


can_be_more December 20 2005, 17:57:58 UTC
"You want me to find out if she wants to date you?" Aeryn says, hoping she interpreted all that correctly. "I can talk to her."


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 17:59:05 UTC
"Oh," Angel looked as though he hadn't expected to get that answer. And, having gotten it, that he wasn't sure what to do with it. "Oh. Good. Okay. Thanks."


can_be_more December 20 2005, 18:06:47 UTC
"Dating's not hard," Aeryn assures him. "If I can manage it, I think anyone can."


notstakedyet December 20 2005, 18:26:39 UTC
Angel looked dubious, but nodded anyway. "Okay. Thanks. Just - let her know there's no pressure or anything, you know? I get how even the idea of being around me can be scary."


can_be_more December 20 2005, 18:31:52 UTC
Aeryn looks over at Angel, with his puppy, and deadpans, "Yeah. Definitely scary."

((Am going AFK for a while.))


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