Magazine appearance:
BEST STAGE Vol.5 Jan 2009 - Hina
That's beside the usual idol mags stuff...And also appearances in TV Guide, The Television & TV Pia...
10 Jan 2009 - Yasu as guest on Momoko no Oh!Sore! Miyo (the show where Hina co-hosts with High Heel's Momoko-san)
MATCHY will release a cover compilation of Johnny's hits album, and from Kanjani8, he has chosen Osaka Romanesque! XD
During KinKi Kids' Countdown in Osaka, the boys mentioned Eito and to Dots, Eito = the guys they hang out with at the Countdown. Aww! So sweet! XD
I wonder why I haven't seen Popolo Feb scans anywhere...
By the way,
eitokickass has subbed Yasu's SCP! I watched again amusement as Yasu struts his love for Subaru, and YASUBA lives yet again LOL!
I wonder how Eito particularly Subaru, Yoko & Yasu would look like in the new calendar. I'm pretty sure Yoko & Yasu would have their permed hair on, just not throughout the calendar please! On Recomen Dec 18th, YokoHina mentioned that they haven't started shooting for the calendar at that time. Subaru still had his 'stache and beard on Dec 16th when Best Artist was broadcast. I wonder when he got rid of those?
SMAP's super.modern.artistic.performance tour DVD is set to be the no.1 music-DVD of the year! It sold 206k in the first week, only 2k lesser than 47's first week, and definitely way way more than what Arashi or KAT-TUN did in the first week (and I don't think Arashi's upcoming DVD or KT's QoP DVD would surpass this 2009 record either). Hmmm, I think even if Eito releases a DVD this year it might not be able to overtake s.m.a.p, which was released so early into Oricon 2009 LOL!
P/S: Anyone cares to edit the Arigato, Okan page on wiki.d-addicts? Somebody did it on
asianmediawiki though!