Nov 29, 2009 18:20

I'm very very very angry right now. Who the hell leaked the GIFT singles weeks before the released date???! The excitement will fade even before they're officially released and didn't I warn about this affecting the sales, more negatively than positively?! I just want to whack whoever's leaking it in the first place and put some sense into her/his head! *damn I feel like crying now*

Proof: Those people who topped the Chaku and those download charts are not topping the physical CD charts aka Oricon because the people already have the songs and don't bother to buy the CDs. Kanjani8 don't have the luxury of having their songs on downloads and getting money from that. They only have the CD sales to look for.

P/S: And I love the mods at Eden but I'm very disappointed at you guys for approving the post in the first place! *is mad*

Disabling comments for the first time because I'm too upset.

eito, gift, kanjani8, single, rant

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