American Idol 6...

May 21, 2007 15:04

I vented my frustration on the result show last week and now I've forgotten half of what I want to say...



There, I said it. My faith in AI was almost restored when I realized one of the most talented contestant ever in AI history has never been in the bottom three or bottom two, and I was so sure she'll make it to the finale...But, this happened! To me at least, I WON'T be anticipating the finale the way I was with AI1-AI4...AI5 finale also somehow disappointed me when Daughtry didn't make it and last year, I didn't even care who would win.

The same unfortunately is happening this year. Between Blake & Jordin, I don't care who win. Whoever, whatever...I'm not the slightest bit excited about this year's FINALE. Well, maybe just to hear the new song and to watch other finalists perform, but that's it. THAT'S IT!

I was dreaming of a finale like Clay vs Ruben in AI2 (the best in history I say!), or at least a good one like Carrie vs Bo...With Melinda in the finale it could be, but alas...Since when consistency is boring? HELLO! Nobody does rock and blues and jazz and upbeat numbers as well as she does, and if she could do it all that means she's not boring at all. She's so versatile! Still, Americans still go for the young and beautiful...Huh, go figure! And whoever says that Melinda is not idol-material is clearly shallow...Whitney Houston, anybody??? And personality? HELLO AGAIN! She's so funny and got great one-liners!

*hmmph!* Here's to a glittering career for Melinda though. Good luck, girl! You deserve it all!


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