I'm in a fairly good mood lately...
Actually, pretty happy. At least happier than normal...I still worry about Kisuke...I wish things could have worked out between us...I still...No, we're just friends now.
I think.
I...miss Ichigo. I feel like I failed him because I couldn't get over what happened. They say time heals all wounds. I don't want he experience to taint every experience we have. The nightmares aren't as often. I think that's a step
I enjoyed my date with Grimmjow. That guy...Grrrr. I don't like him but...secretly he doesn't bother me and he's a good kisser.
Nii-sama is in the infirmary due to his fight with Kenpachi. Unohana won't allow me to treat them but I asked her to pass along some food to him. I hope he gets well soon...
But I am furious at Renji! I mean spending a month at a brothel? Come on! I hope it's something better than that! I hope he's backpacking through Europe or climbing a mountain or saving a burning village from a dragon. If it's something lame, I'm going to kick his ass. Hard. I miss him like crazy. Okay, I miss him so much my whole body hurts...especially my heart...
Usa-chan is better, I managed to fix her eye so it wasn't hanging by a string. I think I may give her to Nii-sama as a "get well soon" present...perhaps I shouldn't.