Mod Post

Feb 06, 2019 16:37

I'm posting a new challenge later today, all being well, but wanted to ask a few questions about future challenges and also see if anyone can help me with locating screencaps for specific themes (as in 'this episode, this scene' contains something fitting the theme), so I can narrow in on the screencaps and not have to be checking lots of episodes on the off chance of finding something!

Question 1
Would anyone be able to help with locating screencaps for the following themes:

All the Hugs - this can be full on hugs, or side on hugs, between main characters or guest characters. I know a few obvious ones (Peter and Neal in both Payback and Most Wanted, and between guest characters near the end of Flip of the Coin), but I know there's more! This can also include romantic hugs.

Bored - any character who looks like they could be or most definitely are bored.

Comment below with ideas of which episodes and, if possible, which scenes within the episode I can look for them, thanks.

Question 2
I want to do a few more character focussed challenges and note that I've haven't done one for Sara, Kate or Rebecca/Rachel. Would people be interested in making icons for them? You can include other characters, though the focus would be on the challenge character.

Also, are people ready for me to do challenges for characters we've done in the past - i.e. Neal, Peter, Mozzie, Jones, Diana, Elizabeth?

Question 3
I was thinking of doing a challenge where I provide either textures or stock images that you have to incorporate into your icons. Would this be of interest? And if so, would you still want screencaps? If there's enough interest in both ideas, this can become two separate challenges spread out over the year.

Question 4
And finally, do you have any challenge ideas?

Sorry to throw a load of questions at you, but I want to make sure I'm doing challenges that people are interested in - and I could really do with some help with themed challenges, as finding screencaps is harder than it used to be (my memory of the show isn't as good as it once was).


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