Challenge 99 - The Pilot

Mar 18, 2015 21:01

Challenge 99 - Pilot

Your icons need to come from the pilot episode of White Collar, and can include both deleted scenes and behind the scenes photos, as well as screencaps from the aired episode. (You can find screencaps for the extended unaired pilot here.)

The special voting category this week will be Best Colour

♠ You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons
♠ You may use your own screencaps or the ones provided below
♠ You can find screencaps at midnight_road, White Collar Online,
   or kanarek13
♠ Your entries must be original icons made for this challenge
♠ Icons must be within LJ standards (max. 100x100px, 40KB)
♠ Please submit your icons in a comment to this post
♠ Please submit both the image and the URL
♠ Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced
♠ Please keep in mind while making the icons, that we will also vote for Best Colour this round
♠ Icons must be submitted by Midnight Tuesday, March 31st

Happy icon making! ♥

screencaps for this round thanks to midnight_road

Example how to submit your icons:

Icons so far: 9

challenge 99, !challenges 2015

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