Hey guys, I'm so so sorry for the long wait. I thought I would be able to post the new challenge before I left for my summer vacation...
But now, finally on to the new challenge :)
Wanted (Ep 4x01)
So, season 4 started last week and I think we should use all the pretty of the first episode to make some icons ^__^
To make things a bit more interesting, this challenge comes with a colour scheme (from throughout the episode).
You don't have to use them of course, but for your icon to be eligible for the special voting category Best Use of Colour you have to use at least one of the colours below in the icon, either through colorisation, using the colour for negative space, as text colour or in some other way, as long as it is used visibly/predominantly.
♠ You may submit up to FIVE (5) icons
♠ You may use your own images or the ones provided below
♠ You can find screencaps at
mattbomerfan.com or
HomeOfTheNutty.com♠ Your entries must be original icons made for this challenge
♠ Icons must be within LJ standards (max. 100x100px, 40KB)
♠ Please submit your icons in a comment to this post
♠ Please submit both the image and the URL
♠ Please do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over and the winners have been announced
♠ Icons must be submitted by 11:00pm PST Tuesday, July 31st
Happy icon making! ♥
You can also download all the caps I made of this episode [~ 4,200]
HERE [326 MB] Colour Palette
Example how to submit your icons:
http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i50/deedo_2313/Icons/Whitecollaric/whitecollaric51-Icon1.png Icons so far: 0