Danke fuer die Verlaengerung, ich bin grad im Urlaub und hab nur nen so nen schrottigen Computer mit Gimp portable hier, aber ich versuche was zu basteln. ^^
Tolle Neuigkeiten!
Ich faende es gut, wenn nach dem Voting alle Entries aufgedeckt weren.
Mhmm...was ist mit "I'm too sexy for my shirt", Neal mit Brille (oder Hut) oder ner NY challenge? ;)
Kein Problem :) Ich hatte auch Urlaub und bin aber irgendwie zu nichts gekommen ^__^ Ich hoffe du hast gutes Wetter!?
Gimp ist ja eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht, wenn man nicht schon an Photoshop gewöhnt ist. lol Ich hatte das Dank eines netten IT Menschens auf meiner alten Arbeit, hat aber ewig gedauert damit was fertig zu kriegen weil ich automatisch immer meine PS Klicks und Shortcuts benutzen wollte und das dann immer nicht ging XD
I actually forgot to post the usual reminder and was rather surprised that it was already Tuesday again (vacation can be awful that way, time just passes in a blur :)
Totally!! It was my second day back to work today and I already wanted to be back on vacation (a nice sunny beach somewhere *sighs*). Well I wanted that yesterday as well, but even more so today...
Stock from WC world (:P), Black & White. Provided base, Panorama scene (divide a screencap into 2-3 icons), Villains, Flashback scenes, Icons inspired by a provided song/poem, faceless, Episodes from season 3, Emotional scenes,
It can be any item from the WC world, like any stolen merchandise, Neal's laptop, his paintings, his hat & tie, Peter's coffee cup, FBI badge etc. I guess even rooms from the characters houses would also count :)
Thank you ;D The Boner abs do have that effect on people :P
Comments 13
Tolle Neuigkeiten!
Ich faende es gut, wenn nach dem Voting alle Entries aufgedeckt weren.
Mhmm...was ist mit "I'm too sexy for my shirt", Neal mit Brille (oder Hut) oder ner NY challenge? ;)
Gimp ist ja eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht, wenn man nicht schon an Photoshop gewöhnt ist. lol Ich hatte das Dank eines netten IT Menschens auf meiner alten Arbeit, hat aber ewig gedauert damit was fertig zu kriegen weil ich automatisch immer meine PS Klicks und Shortcuts benutzen wollte und das dann immer nicht ging XD
Danke für die Vorschläge!!
I think the way the community is run is completely fine :)
As for challenge suggestions, will think of few and let you know :P
I actually forgot to post the usual reminder and was rather surprised that it was already Tuesday again (vacation can be awful that way, time just passes in a blur :)
Stock from WC world (:P), Black & White. Provided base, Panorama scene (divide a screencap into 2-3 icons), Villains, Flashback scenes, Icons inspired by a provided song/poem, faceless, Episodes from season 3, Emotional scenes,
When you say stock from WC world, do you mean like Neals paintings, or his wine collection, the Burke kitchen... stuff like that?
And wow, can I just say *YUM* to your icon!! I think I lost my train of thought and just stared for a little while there ;D
It can be any item from the WC world, like any stolen merchandise, Neal's laptop, his paintings, his hat & tie, Peter's coffee cup, FBI badge etc. I guess even rooms from the characters houses would also count :)
Thank you ;D
The Boner abs do have that effect on people :P
This is a really cool idea, we'll definitely have such a challenge in the future :D
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