Title: For Me, It Isn’t Over
embroideramaRating: PG-13
Pairing/characters: Peter, Neal, El, Mozzie (background Peter/El and Neal/Spock)
Word count: 3,290
Spoilers: through S4
Warnings: Character death(s), animal character death (non-violent), grief (highlight to read)
Summary: Peter knew that something was going on with Neal after the aliens left, but all he could do was watch and wait. And wait. In the end, he could only wish he'd been kept waiting longer.
Notes: After I read
rabidchild67's amazing White Collar/Star Trek crossover
The Surprise of Our Glory Days, I was overwhelmed by the need to write something from Peter's POV to fit between parts 4 and 5 of her story. So, this thing happened, and RC graciously allowed me to post it. It fits into her universe as best I could, and you should absolutely read her story first or this will make little to no sense. However, this story actually has almost nothing to do with Star Trek.
Peter thought that the world had changed for all of them, but with Neal it seemed to be a fundamental change in him, his self. Peter hadn’t known at the time if it was the brush with death or witnessing the violence of the Cardassians, seeing the earth from space or his attachment to the man with the pointy ears, or some combination of all those things. )