Welcome Post & Tags

Oct 26, 2009 18:40

Greetings and welcome criminals and FBI Agents to whitecollarfic !

This is a community for the White Collar television show.

Feel free to post all of your White Collar themed fics, pics, icons, vids, and discussions here. Your fanwork can feature: gen, het, or slash. We welcome all pairings here except Real Person Slash. To be able to post  your fanwork at whitecollarfic it must feature White Collar.  Pretty obvious, huh?

has a strict spoiler policy:   All unaired episodes are considered spoilers until they are aired and any spoilers about the new episodes must be under a cut.

Please take a few moments to read the entire community spoiler policy, rules, and posting guidelines in our profile - here.   We do have a posting template to keep things neat and F-List friendly.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment to this post! But most of all remember that the whole point of this is to have FUN and enjoy yourselves!!

Wishing you Neal Caffrey's luck in all you chose to accomplish,

Your prison guard,


P.S. All the tags are just here to make them public :)

author: layla_aaron, title: j, genre: kink (voyeurism), word count: wip, rating: g, title: v, title: e, genre: case!fic, rating: pg-13, genre: kink (dirty talk), character: kate, pairing: neal/elizabeth, title: i, title: m, type: webgraphic, author: waldo, genre: pre-slash, genre: angst, genre: kid!fic, word count: 100 (drabble), title: g, genre: kink (partner betrayal), type: meta, genre: future!fic, character: elizabeth burke, pairing: elizabeth/omc, character: other male character, word count: 10000-19999, type: mod post, pairing: mozzie/other male character, author: anodyneer, pairing: peter/elizabeth/neal, rating: none, type: spoiler, genre: kink (mpreg), word count: 20000 and up, genre: kink (hat!porn), title: b, genre: pre-series, pairing: neal/other female character, genre: pwp, author: kira_bouviea, author: theatregirl7299, title: a, genre: crack/humor, author: metatarsus, author: specklesinsnow, pairing: peter/other female character, title: y, type: fanart, genre: death!fic, author: z, title: o, genre: kink (unrequited), title: u, author: purple_nights, genre: het, pairing: peter/ofc, title: k, author: krazykipper, rating: r, type: fanfiction, title: d, type: wallpaper, genre: kink (handcuffs), genre: domestic/food, pairing: neal/omc, character: peter burke, pairing: neal/ofc, character: neal caffrey, pairing: neal/other male character, genre: kink (consent issues), genre: prison fic, type: discussion, genre: kink (other), genre: kink (genderswap), author: halcyon_shift, genre: threesome, title: z, genre: kink (bdsm), pairing: mozzie/ofc, author: devoregirl, character: other female character, author: x, type: fanvid, title: q, pairing: mozzie/other female character, genre: crossover, type: screen caps, title: s, pairing: peter/elizabeth, pairing: peter/other male character, title: w, word count: 1000-4999, rating: pg, word count: 5000-9999, word count: 101-999, genre: first time, pairing: mozzie/omc, title: h, genre: episode related, title: c, author: frith_in_thorns, title: f, genre: outsider pov, character: mozzie, title: r, pairing: elizabeth/other fem. character, pairing: neal/mozzie, pairing: peter/neal, author: treonb, genre: romance, title: t, rating: nc-17, title: x, type: manip, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: gen, pairing: elizabeth/ofc, title: n, author: bellajayd, genre: au/ar, title: none, type: icons, genre: kink (masturbation), title: p, genre: slash, title: l, pairing: peter/mozzie, pairing: peter/omc, author: u

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