Title: Jealousy is a crutch. Quote by C. Astrid Weber
Fandom: White Collar
be_a_rebel Wordcount: 1271
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Peter, Neal, Elizabeth, Alex Hunter
Pairing(s): Neal/Alex, Peter/Neal, El/Neal, Peter/Alex
Genre: More of the Brothers!AU 'verse. *facepalm*
Warning(s): Incest. And umm, felching? Orgasm denial. Ooh, sex toys. Implied pegging.
Disclaimer: I WISH. I WISH I OWNED WC.
Summary: Peter wants to punish Neal for Alex, for all the others, the names Neal’s forgotten but Peter remembers.
A/N: This is more of a companion piece to
The Games People Play then a continuation. Hello, backstory. Mostly I wanted to write about Alex because I love her like crazy. Yeah, this AU is becoming a monster.
Peter’s been jealous for so long that the feeling of not being jealous is wholly alien to him, unreal, as if he’s been cut adrift.