Title: Strangers in the Park
Author: Aragarna
Fandoms: White Collar, Person of Interest
Characters: Peter Burke, Satchmo, John Reese, Bear, Harold Finch
Genre, rating: crossover, slice of life, fluff, gen, G
Word count: ~ 700
Spoilers: up to S5 for White Collar, S2 for Person of Interest
Summary: On a very cold morning, Peter and Satchmo encounter enigmatic strangers in the park.
Author's Note: Written for
leesa_perrie as part of the Fandom Stocking, and filling the The Company of Strangers square of my second
Gen Bingo card.
It was one of those freezing winter mornings where Peter wished he had a cat and not a dog. Cats do their things on their own, inside. But they had a big Labrador, who needed his little walk at the crack of dawn. Peter made sure his hat was completely covering his ears, pulled up his scarf over his nose, slid the leash around his waist and tucked his hands in the pockets of his coat.