Title: North Light Comes
sapphire2309Characters (Pairings): Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke (Peter/El).
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1169
Spoilers: Vague for S3 & 4. Minor reference to S05E04.
Disclaimer: White Collar is Jeff Eastin's brainchild. Not mine.
Author's Note: Set post anklet, ignoring S6. Written for Challenge 14 in the current Writerverse phase. Title is a lyric from Overcome by Better Than Ezra.
This is a (very short) sequel to
When All Else In You Turns And Runs, in which Neal has essential tremor, restricted to his right hand during this fic and the previous one. This fic can stand alone.
I'm crossposting late - this fic was posted ten days ago. Sorry about that.
Here at my LJ