Title: Once Upon Another Time (1/5)
reve_silencieuxRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Neal, Sara, Mozzie, Kate, June (N/S)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Spoiler! Highlight to read if you don't like certain tropes - MPREG
Word Count: 25,600 (This chapter: 5,295)
algeibanSummary: An AU where Sara finds Neal first. What she does after that... well, Neal is pretty charming, and he's nothing like what she imagined.
Author's Note: This is my first AU, and I'm just going to apologize right here and now. I'm not sure how this idea came to me, but it came pouring out of me a year ago, and instead of shelving the insanity, I kept going. People have tried to reassure me that it isn't crack, but it IS AU with a slightly sci-fi element, which I actually try to take seriously.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to
sapphire2309 for encouraging my madness and holding my hand when I thought I was crazy. To everyone else who I've spoiled and didn't outright tell me I was crazy. (Even though I know you were probably thinking it!) And to my beta,
algeiban, who had no idea what she was getting into when she signed up for this, and has probably wondered if I was ever going to post since it's been months. Sorry! I was too chicken and I finally just pulled the trigger. I'm going to go hide now.
Chapter One )