Title: Empty Hands Are My Gift
Fandom: White Collar
elrhiarhodanRating: PG
Pairing: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Mozzie, Satchmo, Peter/Neal, Peter/ Elizabeth
Summary: The journey to forgiveness isn't easy. .
Content Notice: None
Disclaimer: I own nothing, White Collar is the property of Fox Television, Jeff Eastin and distributed by USANetworks.
Word Count: ~4000
Author's Notes: The conclusion to the story first told in
The Lost and Found,
You Never Know What the Wind May Blow, and
Everything's Far and Nothing is True The second of two fics written for 's
Ai Ogawa 2015 Challenge, for the prompt:
You, me, these withered flowers,
so many hearts tied in a knot,
given and taken away.
Peter dreams of love. Of security. Of comfort. He dreams of the home and the hearts he's left behind. )