Title: Vice Collar
Author: Amory Puck (
Pairings: Peter/Neal, Peter/El, eventual Peter/Neal/El
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slash, dub-con, non-con, slavery, graphic sex, childhood sexual abuse
Word Count: 6,804 (this part-WIP)
Click here to see other chapters at the Vice Collar Masterpost! Summary: When Agent Peter Burke of the Vice Collar division agreed to acquire the contract of slave-turned-conman Neal Caffrey, he really only wanted him for his insider knowledge on the world of illegal slave rade. Neal, however, is determined to give the agent more bang for his buck to insure that he’ll never have to play prison slave again, eventually kindling a fire between them that they hadn’t even know existed. (AU slave!fic)
Author's Notes: I had a tough time writing the Mozzie/El scene in this. I wanted to express an outside view of the confusion Neal feels over his place in the world and what he is supposed to do. I hope it reads okay and doesn't make Mozzie seem too harsh or anything. Neal's head is always so all over the place, and I guess I wanted to summarize his biggest problem without sugar coating it in that back and forth inner monologue sort of way Neal has.
Read Chapter 27: You Can't Forge Love