Title: The Miracle of Love (In This Heartless World)
elrhiarhodanFandom: White Collar
Rating: R (with some NC-17 moments)
Characters/Pairings: Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey, Mozzie, Elizabeth (Mitchell), Diana Berrigan, Christie, Sara Ellis, OMCs; Peter/Neal, Elizabeth/Mozzie, Diana/Christie
Word Count: ~5500
Spoilers: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: None
Beta Credit:
sinfulslasherSummary: A Wonder(ful) Years story, set on the morning after Peter and Neal's thirtieth high school reunion, as first mentioned in the original
Wonder(ful) Years story, and detailed in
The Chaos of Our Lives (When Tomorrow Comes). Peter and Neal have brunch with their old friends and before they head back to Manhattan, they go visit Peter's childhood home where they find something unexpected and wonderful.
Author’s Note: Written for my dearest
pooh_collector, who selected "The Geography of Home" and a timestamp for
The Wonder(ful) Years for the fourth night of Fic-Can-Ukah.
Title from the Eurhythmics song of the same name.
Peter rolled over, mildly uncomfortable. This wasn't his bed. These weren't his pillows. He stretched and encountered a warm body. But this was his husband.