Title: American Pumpkin Pie
Author: Gaby
Fandom: White Collar
Pairing: Peter/El (literally and figuratively)
Characters: Peter, Neal, El, sort-of-but-not-really-OC
Warning: I don't think this fic really warrants a warning but Peter is doing something dirtynaughtywrong with a vegetable. *cough* If you know the movie American Pie, you can probably figure out what I'm hinting at.
Spoilers: none
Rating: R
Genre: PWP? Humor?
Author's Notes: Written for
hawk_soaring who asked for "something kinky" on my trick-or-treat meme. I kinda doubt this is what she was looking for. But it's what came to mind, considering this was initially prompted for a Halloween meme. I really can't believe I wrote this...
Beta by:
elrhiarhodan (she's to be blamed for everything!)
Word Count: 636
Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be, gosh darn it!
Summary: Peter really misses his wife.
(click for fic)