Panel One
Title: Came Back To Me
Characters (Pairings): Diana Berrigan, Christie (Diana/Christie)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 761
Spoilers: Through to 4x05 - Honour Among Thieves
Disclaimer: White Collar is Jeff Eastin's brainchild. Not mine.
Summary: Diana can't help but feel like she needs to close a chapter and move on.
Author's Note: For the 'moving' square on my
hc_bingo card. Title from Taylor Swift's This Love.
Here at my LJ Panel Two
Title: Let It Go Free
Characters (Pairings): Rachel Turner, Neal Caffrey, (Neal/Rachel)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 768
Spoilers: Through to 5x11 - Shot Through The Heart.
Content Notes: Multiple references to painplay.
Disclaimer: White Collar is Jeff Eastin's brainchild. Not mine.
Summary: Rachel feels Neal drift away.
Author's Note: Something of a timestamp to
the metal wraps itself around your bones. This can be read as a stand alone. For the 'learning to be loved' square on my
hc_bingo card. Title from Taylor Swift's This Love.
Here at my LJ Panel Three
Title: Alive, Back From The Dead
Characters (Pairings): June Ellington, Neal Caffrey (June/Byron)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 766
Spoilers: Vague till somewhere in season 2.
Disclaimer: White Collar is Jeff Eastin's brainchild. Not mine.
Summary: June wants to remember more than she does.
Author's Note: For the 'forced to face fear' square on my
hc_bingo card. Title from Taylor Swift's This Love.
Here at my LJ