[Fanfiction] Like I've Never Seen the Sky Before

Oct 16, 2014 19:50

Title: Like I've Never Seen the Sky Before
Author: Aragarna
Genre: episode tag, angst/fluff, gen, general audience
Characters: Peter, Elizabeth (Peter/El)
Words: 1300
Spoilers: up to 5x07, Quantico Closure.
Beta credit: A big huge thank you to my wonderful beta
anodyneer for her promptness :)
Summary: Episode tag to Quantico Closure. Peter and Elizabeth sit down and finally share their feelings.

Peter takes two beers from the fridge and, taking Elizabeth by the hand, he leads her to the sofa, where they sit side by side.

author: aragarna, pairing: peter/elizabeth, rating: g, title: l, genre: angst, character: peter burke, word count: 1000-4999, character: elizabeth burke, genre: episode related, genre: fluff

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