Title: Is It Getting Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me? - Five Ficlets in the Rentboy ‘Verse
elrhiarhodanFandom: White Collar
Rating: NC-17
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey, Matthew Keller, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Vincent Adler, Mozzie, Neal/Keller, Neal/Adler, Neal/Peter, Neal/Mozzie (basically, Neal’s for sale to anyone)
Word Count: ~550
Spoilers: None
Warnings/Enticements/Triggers: Hints of non-consensual relationships; pointless smut of the smuttiest kind.
Beta Credit: None
Summary: Five three-sentence ficlets set in the Rentboy ‘Verse based on prompts off of my Season of Kink bingo card.
Smut This Way... )