Title: Come Find Me (I Will Be Disappointing)
sapphire2309Characters (Pairings): Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Diana Berrigan, Clinton Jones. (can be read as Peter/Neal if you like)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100x8, exactly.
Spoilers: None, I think.
Disclaimer: White Collar is Jeff Eastin’s brainchild. Not mine.
Summary: Neal finds it hard to believe that he's interesting by himself, without the facade. Peter begs to differ.
Author’s Note: Title from Save Me by Seahaven.
This drabble series fills 8 prompts from
whitecollar100Prompts filled, in order of appearance, are #183 - Follow, #148 - Soft, #111 - Scowl, #120 - Sing, #113 - Yawn, #134 - Bent, #185 - Drift and #169 - Erase.
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