Fic: Twice Blest

Oct 29, 2013 14:19

Title: Twice Blest
Author: puresi
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Elizabeth, Neal
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: ~1500
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for 4x16 - 5x2
Notes: Because there has to be some thinky thought behind El's change of attitude towards Neal between 5x1 and 5x2, but also because angst-bunnies. Posted as the October entry for my wc-women-fest 12 in 12.
Summary: After the dramatic events of 4x16, Elizabeth decides to keep Neal at a distance...but doesn't find it easy.

Posted on LJ

character: neal caffrey, type: fanfiction, title: t, pairing: peter/elizabeth, genre: angst, character: peter burke, word count: 1000-4999, character: elizabeth burke, rating: pg, genre: hurt/comfort, genre: episode related, author: p

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