Fic: (White) Collar Optional (2/?)

May 28, 2014 15:22

Title: (White) Collar Optional
Fandom: Psych, White Collar
Characters: Shawn, Gus, Peter, Neal, El, Mozzie, Diana, Jones with cameos from Henry, Juliet & Lassiter
Word Count: 1019
Rating: PG-13
Overall Summary: In New York, Peter and Gus search for what happened to Neal and Shawn. In California, Shawn and Gus escape a little too easily, making them wonder if Ridley has other plans.
Notes: Okay, I'm finally posting the sequel to Psychic in the City. It's still unfinished so posting will probably be at least once a week. I'd also like to thank my three betas snowflakie06, slytheringurrl and the_moogie

character: mozzie, character: neal caffrey, character: elizabeth burke, fan: misc, character: clinton jones, character: june, character: peter burke, character: diana berrigan

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