So, we're starting posting on the 7th, which is tomorrow. Eep! So, I thought it would be a good idea to remind everyone of when they are posting and get the header up. Here's our posting schedule:
Sept 7th:
rabidchildSept 8th:
elledeegeeSept 9th:
treonbSept 10th:
marissaangellSept 11th:
frith_in_thornsSept 12th:
angelita26Sept 13th:
Sept 14th:
Sept 15th:
Sept 16th:
citrinesunsetSept 17th:
Sept 18th:
rabidchildSept 19th:
Sept 20th:
kaylashaySept 21st:
sinfulslasherSept 22nd:
elrhiarhodanSept 23rd:
theatregirl7299Sept 24th:
backrose_17Sept 25th:
florastuartSept 26th:
veleda_kSept 27th:
sheenianni Now, here's the header:
Title:Crossover Fandom: Characters/Pairings:Rating:Word Count:Spoilers:Warnings:Summary:Author's Note: Art: Now, let's go through it.
Title: Self explanatory.
Crossover Fandom: Only if you have one. :) If you do not, just erase it from the header.
Characters/Pairings: Your primary characters and/or pairing, secondary pairing - feel free to put characters here if you have a gen fic.
Rating: Use the rating system you are most comfortable with.
Word Count: Again, self explanatory. :D
Spoilers: Due to having people from all over and being in all different places in the fandom, please just say "Spoilers for current season" or "Spoilers for season 3" or something of the like.
Warnings: Please please please use this. if you think you need to put in a warning, please do so. Better to have one than not have one. Do Note - Slash is not a warning and should not be used. If you have a slash warning, I will comment for you to take it down and you will have 48 hours to do so before I take down your fic. You will then repost it at the end of the round - no exceptions.
Summary: Quick sentence or three about your fic.
Author's Note: Please put the following sentence or some variation of it - I do not own White Collar or its characters. If you have a crossover fandom, put that in as well. This is just so we don't get anybody legal on our butt. Thank your betas and anybody else you need or want to.
Art: Either below or above your fic but it needs to be in the same post with a link to the art post if there is one. If your artist has not gotten your art to you by the time you post, please put TBP (to be posted).
Do not worry about tagging - the mods will take care of that as the stories go up.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will open up for posting around midnight CDT. Happy posting everyone!