Hi Everyone!
This is mainly for the authors to tell them that there is one week to finish up the rough drafts. For a quick summary, we're just making sure you have a beginning, an end, and at least 10K words. All rough drafts must go to the email of whitecollar.bb.mods@gmail.com and yes, you can turn in your rough drafts early. We do ask that you attach the document to the email and that the document either be in Word 97-2003 or a format that is computable to that. Also, please include the following header:
LJ Username:
Title (Working or otherwise):
Any Warnings:
Short Summary:
We're asking for this to make up the artist post that will be going up on July 16th. So all drafts must be in no later than 9 am CDT on July 16th. I'm allowing a bit of leeway because I will not be up to making the artist post until then.
Also, if you know an artist, please point them towards the artist post. We only have seven sign ups at the moment. We might be having the artists double up, if they're up for it. We're also entertaining the thought of, if there aren't a lot of artists, asking if people want to make their own art/opt out of art. We really don't want to, but it might be the case if there are not enough artists to go around. The sign up posts for artists is
Also, we have a beta post up for anyone who wants to sign up for being a beta. That post is
If there are any questions, please don't hesitate to ask them either here or in our vent comm at
wcbbvent. Happy writing to our authors and don't forget the premiere of season 2 of White Collar happens July 13th!