Title: Here I Love You
Crossover Fandom: The Sentinel
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, Neal/Sara, Jim Ellison, Blair Sandburg Jim/Blair implied, Mozzie, June, Reese
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 10,482
Spoilers: All seasons of both shows, just to be safe.
Warnings: none
Summary: Sentinel x-over/fusion/fanon/canon mesh up.
Mozzie scanned another page of the book, glancing up at Neal with sparkling eyes. “This is amazing! Do you realize the things we can do with this kind of power? We can be super criminals !” Moz was practically floating on bubbles of excitement.
Author's Note: - I do not own White Collar or The Sentinel or their characters. So many people to thank, so little space. Takes a deep breath.
dameange for tempting me in the first place.
imshady2 who, when I said 'make me stop wanting to do this or give me an idea I can write 10k words on in 5 days said Sentinel fusion' and is my first reader and biggest cheerleader always.
denyce for being an awesome beta, taking the time she didn't really have to do this and being amazing enough to find me a 2nd beta on top of that.
rivestra for volunteering, also when she didn't have much time, and being lovely and wonderful to work with and finally
faradheiafor going above and beyond and providing such gorgeous artwork to go with this.Thank you guys so much! Any mistakes or issues left are entirely on me.
Art Post:
ArtStory on AO3:
Fic ![](http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y100/ceares/HILYBanner.jpg)
Here I Love You