I hope everyone is doing well. Your final drafts or final art is due September 1st through September 7th. After we get your final draft, we will open the comm for you.
If anyone still wants an Archive of Our Own invite code, feel free to PM
crescent_gaia or email the mod account. We'll get a code out to you as soon as we can.
Now, for the reason we're here. I apologize for not having this up when I said I would. In all truth - I kind of forgot. *facepalm* Silly Mod. However, it is now up. The dates are first come, first serve. If a date is taken and that date is the only date that you can post to during the challenge, please don't hesitate to PM/Email/Send up a flare or smoke signal to talk to us. We don't bite. Well, I don't. I can't speak for my co-mod.
7th --
8th --
9th --
silver_falcon2410th --
sirwynai11th --
12th --
germanjj13th --
sahiya14th --
crescent_gaia15th --
lionessvalenti16th --
ceares17th --
mrwubbles18th --
elledeegee Have at it!