Dec 31, 2007 09:39
Well here we are at the end of yet another year on this spinning Deathball we call Earth.
I'll keep this simple due to both my desire to not be on line for much longer and the fact that my computer may overheat in the 105 it is reaching today (42 for the Aussies(
Movie of the year: Equal honors go to Transformers and Spider-Man 3
Album of the year: Nightwish - Dark Passion Play... DUH!!!
Best moment of the year: Holding Mel for the first time followed by the first kiss and the first... Never mind :)
Worst moment of the year: The morning I had to leave Mel when we were laying in bed and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.
A larger and more detailed account of my trip to the states is still under construction in Word and will be put up as soon as I remember everything I want to add.
Happy New Year to you all... I hope 08 is even better... For all of us.