Good afternoon everybody! Pretty decent episode last night; some folks have said that they hated it, but it was definitely a bridge episode to get us to the next step in the show. It moved pretty fast and had lots going on, which is good, but I don't really have much in terms of easter eggs and whatnot to share with you. Most of my points are just discussion based, which still works for me. I did chuckle at the fact that I had to create yet another photobucket account as the two I have at the moment are pretty much cashed out in terms of bandwith! I guess I have a decent amount of readers! Yay! Thanks for the support, folks! At any rate, many thanks to getlostpodcastmedia for their awesome snapshots and LJ user Beeskness7 for their awesome animated gifs!
- More about Smokey- We found out more about Smokey tonight in that he was taking the prescence of Christian in earlier episodes. This has been a theory for
a while that smokey could take the form of dead folks. So that also means that he took the form of Yemmi and other ghosts too, and i'm going to assume that
he took the form of Walt too. Why would he do that if Walt isn't dead? I dunno, but that's my guess. He had to persuade Locke to get out of th dharma mass
grave and stop the freighter folks and that was a good way to do it. He stated that he has always wanted to help them, like when he helped Jack find water in
season 1. Why help them? well, it's obvious: so he can convince them to get off the island together and help him defeat jacob.
We also found out that since Jacob brought them to the island that they are all essentially trapped and Esaulocke told Jack that they all had to leave the
island. Now, perhaps if he is able to convince them, meaning all of the candidates to leave th island, this does mean that Esaulocke/Smokey is free to go and
the "game" is over, Jacob loses. but this would have to be a conscious decision on part of the candidates; Smokey would then be unleashed and the island
would be useless and probably just sink into the ocean. That's just my theory at least.
- Locke's Destiny- I found it interesting that Locke's destiny, the thing that he was meant to do, was to be the vessel for Smokey to wreak havoc and attemp
to destroy the world. Talk about a bad lot in life. Esaulocke stated that he chose Locke because Locke was the only one stupid enough to believe in the
island as well. however, I don't think we've seen the end of John Locke as......
- "He say, 'I know you, you know me.' One thing I can tell you is you got to be free"- I had to toss out that Beatles lyric as it pretty much describes
alternative universe Desmond. It seems as though he has gotten a hold of the 815 manifest and is trying to get the group's memories jogging. He's persuaded
Hurley to talk to Libby, thus jogging his memory. And hitting Locke with his car seems to have been a way to get Jack and Locke together. So, it seems as
though Desmond does have a plan and he's not just knocking folks out with his car.
- Group Partay!- Going off the AU info above, I am LOVING how other members of the group are coming together. We have Miles and Sawyer coming in contact with
Sayid and Kate. We have Ben, Locke, Alex, etc. joining up elsewhere along with Claire, Jack, and Ilana hanging out. And let's not forget that Jack is now operating on Locke!!
I dunno about you folks, but i'm totally expecting more folks to bump into each other and when that does, I'm thinking it's going to be a memory extravaganza and huge, great, awesome things will happen.
- Hospital Arrival- I thought the scene where Sun/Jin are arriving and bump into Locke was interesting as it's obvious that Sun's memories of the island seem
to be on her mind. She said something along the lines of "it's him!" to Jin.
Why would she say that? Is she afraid of him for his Esau deeds, or does she
just remember him from being Locke on the island? I'm not sure, but it's obvious that her memories are coming back to her. So in some cases, trauma seems to
jog the memory: Hurley/libby's kiss, Desmond's near death experience, and Charlie's choking adventure. Trauma of some sort seems to be the catalyst for these
- Jack's Allegiance- Dogen's advice to Sayid several episodes back about not letting Essaulocke talk seems to be more and more relevant. Claire tells Jack
that Jack has sided with Esaulocke since he talked to him, so maybe you really can't let him talk to you or you might be sucked into his ideas. But, what
about Hurley, Sawyer, etc.? Can they ignore him/block him out? Are they too strong minded? I'm not sure, but it does seems as though that Esaulocke's voice
is too much temptation to handle.
And speaking of temptation...
- Apples- I liked how Sawyer offered Kate an apple at the police station.
I couldn't help but think back to the Garden of Eden and the story of Adam and Eve
and how they both fell from grace after eating an apple from the tree of knowledge. It's almost like how once the LOSTies in the AU start to remember, they gain that knowledge that was not theirs, that knowledge of the island timeline. I'm not sure if this was intentional, but it's definitely worth mentioning in my opinion.
- Who trained him: Randy from Mr. Clucks?- I have to say that Esaulocke's management skills are pretty awful.
He told his group that they were being attacked by Widmore and that the attack was unprovoked. What his group doesn't know is that it's retaliation as they kidnapped Desmond and killed some of Widmore's crew. Not only is he leading them into a possible massacre/war, but he's lying to them about it.
- Family Ties- In both the AU and original timeline we finally saw Claire and Jack coming together as family.
Jack found out about Claire at his fathers funeral from Claire's mother and it seems as though Claire found out via Esaulocke that she and Jack were related.
- Sayid's Decisions- We got an obvious answer tonight in that Nadia was the reward for Sayid once he helps Esaulocke escape. I thought his AU story was good
and kudos to Miles and Sawyer for tricking him outside where Sawyer tripped him up thanks to a hose.
But I really thought Sayid's interaction with Desmond in
the well good as I think Sayid might have spared Desmond's life. But I really don't know for sure at this point.
But I thought we saw Sayid's shell crack a bit as I don't think he wants to tell Nadia he killed a man in cold blood for her. And even if he did kill Des, how in the hell can Esaulocke bring her back from the dead?!?!? Create another timeline??!? Use another smoke device??!? anybody?!!?
I did like Sawyer and Hurley's chat beforehand about Sayid as Sawyer said that Sayid had gone over to the dark side. and when Hurley said that he could come back ala anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader), Sawyer was clueless. Good ole' Hurley throwing out yet ANOTHER Star Wars reference! But it looks like it could be true if Sayid did let Desmond live.
- Desmond's lawyer- I liked the fact that Ilana was Desmond's lawyer in the AU.
In the OT, she was meant to manage the group and it seems as though she has
the same role to an extent in the AU with Desmond, Jack, and Claire with her. Also, her last name was Verdansky and I found no hits on it. The other lawyer name on the door to her office was Sweetzer.
I didn't find anying with this name either.
I spotted a few interesting things in Ilana's office too; there is a white flower/plastic flower, possibly a nod to the black/white imagery we've seen on the island.
We also have a weird Picasso style painting on the wall with what resmebles a guy with a beard. Who is it? Is it Christ? I can't tell, but nothing in LOST is done without some thought to it, so it's there for a reason.
- Seen that boat before!- Did you catch the name on the back of the boat that the crew used in the episode?
It was called the Elizabeth and this was the boat
that was given to Desmond from Libby that he used in his boat race. He would later crash the boat onto the island where it would be repaired by Kelvin. The
others took it in season 3 and it looks like Sayid used it to sail back after he kidnapped Desmond.
- Sun and Jin- Looks like these two are finally getting some good luck as their baby survived in the AU and they had a tearful reunion on the island. I did
enjoy this as they haven't seen each other in a few years, 30 years if you factor in the timeline issues in season 5.
In regards to their AU baby joy, this was good to see and it parallels the island timeline as well as in both timelines Sun and the baby were in danger of
death, but managed to escape. I thought Sun's english speaking abilities was a tad cheesy, but no problem. Trauma to the brain and mind has consequences, so
what's to say that it didn't play a factor. Plus, her english returned on the island just as she found out her and the baby were okay.
If I remember correctly, Sun's lack of english abilities paralleled her AU timelime where she can't speak english, so these parallels do work. And I dunno why, but I have a feeling that they will need to see a fertility doctor to make sure the baby is okay. And I know of a certain, recently deceased blonde haired fertility doctor that could help them. But that's just my guess..
Their island reunion had a sour note as...
- Widmore is an ass- it seems as though Widmore has double-crossed the group and what this means I'm not sure. Will he kill them? I doubt it, but why would
he kill them? I mean, aside from the obvious fact that he's an ass, but still, Sawyer is helping him, so why not help the group? But, he did wait until they
got to their side before he started to bomb them, probably because they didn't bring Desmond along he decided to bomb Esaulocke's group. But I'll be curious
to see what happens with Hurley, Kate, etc. as Widmore's prisoners.
oh and the award for "The most Awkard guy to hold a firearm, ever" goes to this guy!
- "We have to go back, Kat-, errr. Sawyer! We have to go back!"- Well, Jack certainly did perform a slight 180 tonight in terms of his attitude about leaving
the island. He started to talk about how it didn't feel right and that they were meant to do something and that the island wasn't done with them (which we
have heard about Desmond many times), etc. This was very much sounding like Locke as Jack has done for several episodes now. I'm not sure it's really
Smokey's influence on him like Claire might think, but it's the truth: they need to stay and see this through. Leaving is not an option. Sawyer and his crew
aren't seeing the bigger picture, but Jack is. He's not necessarily siding with Esaulocke as he is siding with the island, in my eyes at least. He's finally
fulfilling his namesake of Shepard and trying to lead his flock along their path. I just hope the rest of the group follows and soon.
I thought it was interesting that Jack jumpe from the boat to return to the island;
This reminded me of the season 4 finale when Sawyer jumped from the chopper and returned to the island. Granted, this was under two totally different circumstances, but still, intersting correlation.
- Essaulocke's awful drawing skills- For those interesting, here is a cap of Essaulocke's map that he drew for Sawyer.
What I LOVE about this is the really simplified boat at the top. I dunno why, but it just reminds me of a child's drawing of a boat, very simplistic. But there really isn't anything too special about the map.
- Babby Momma- And I was really hoping we'd get some info on who is the mother of Jack's son, David. He talked to her on his cell phone tonight and I was
thinking we'd get more details on her, but alas, it was just a tease.
My guess about who she is? Juliet. Just a guess though.
- Best nickname, ever.- I LOVED Sawyer's jokes about Lapidus tonight, from his comment about Lapidus looking like he was from a Burt Reynolds movie to his
great nickname for him on the boat of Chesty, referring to Frank's slightly opened shirt which reveals a forest of chest hair.
Seriously, Sawyer never ceases to amaze me.
- Together!- I thought the ending of the episode was pretty interesting with Esaulocke telling Jack, "you're with me now."
I wonder if Jack is really with Esaulocke or if he has his own plan. Some folks have brought up the question about if Jack was actually KILLED in the explosion. I mean, think back to season 4 when Claire was in that house that, well, exploded. She somehow lived and would later join Esaulocke. Maybe that's the type of situation we have here? I'm not sure.
And I had to mention the sheer awesomeness of Esaulocke. In both scenes where he's under fire, the dude, doesn't even FLINCH.
Here is a gif of the shore bombing where Jack is is sent into the air like a ragdoll. What does Esaulocke do?
Not a damn thing! And here is a gif of the first missile attack.
Dude is just hardcore.
THE NUMBERS (4 8 15 16 23 42)
- The adoption agency Claire was going to see and Ilana's office were on floor 15.
- Locke's blood pressure in th ambulance was 62/35. If you take 6+2=8. and 3*5=15. and if you take 8+15 you get 23.
- Miles' badge number LOOKED like it was 4434. If you take the first two numbers and add them up you get 8. If you add all the numbers up you get 15. Or if you take 4*4 you get 16. There might be more to this, but it was all I got off the top of my head.
- It looked like Locke's surgery was taking place at 5:35 pm. If you take 5+3 you get 8. Or even 3*5 and you get 15. I tried to get the time on Sawyers watch
as he's cuffing Sayid, but it's too fast and I could only get a screenshot of blurriness.
- And the numbers we see on Sun's monitor is 144. The only thing I can pull from this is the 4 and 4 gives us 8.
and I think that just about does it. Feel free to post your comments and ideas!!! Also, I've slowly, but surely been adding folks back who have added me as friends on LJ, so don't be irritated if I haven't added you back yet; I will!
also, i'm trying to raise some $$ so I can purchase that kick ass Taweret statue I posted about months back. I'd pick it up myself, but with summer on the way and teaching ending very soon, I have to be smart with my dinero. So, I did start a chipin, just in case anybody wants to donate!
If you want to donate, awesome. If not, don't worry about it! I figured there was no harm in asking! And if you don't remember the taweret statue, you can view it here in all its awesome glory! And lastly, I saw this online and figured i'd show you the real reason why flights were grounded all over Europe over the last few weeks. It wasn't an Icelandic volcano, but in fact, it was....
I'll see you folks in two weeks as there isn't a new episode next week as we get a rerun of Richard's episode, but we'll be back on May 4th.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I hear a knock at my office door....
'till next time true believers.