Mar 16, 2004 22:32
I should probably work on this...but teachers have never really been "authority" figures to me. They are just regular people like you and me...wrong attitude to have, but i have it...and as with any normal person, if they piss me off they're damn well gonna know it....
...Cut to: Mrs. Weinstein.
she is always very very rude and sarcastic to me and here's how the conversation went today:
John: Where do we put these trays?
Weinstein: Well John, where do we usually put them? What have you OBSERVED other students doing?
J: I dont know...which is why im asking you
W: we put them there...(she points) have to put a plastic bag
J: Where are the plastic bags?
W: Where do we keep the plastic bags John?!
J: Again... I don't know
W: They're right there (I retrieve a plastic bag) THATS THE WRONG KIND!
J: You told me there were plastic bags under the table, which is where i got it..what more do you want from me?!
W: There's more than one kind...Look...this ones the same...and THIS ones the same! and WOOPS! THIS ONES THE SAME TOO! (I walk away in an attempt to control my temper)....John...Come Here!
W: Excuse me?
J: Im not going to listen to you be rude to me all the time, im not putting up with it!
W: I am not being rude...YOU are being rude
J: I was asking you a fucking question, and you're rude and fucking sarcastic to me! Im not putting up with that...
thats pretty much HOW it went...there also was a very loud "JESUS CHRIST" in there, but when im mad...i kinda blank out...but thats the jist of it...felt sooooo good.
i hate her...