Idol's "Popular Downloads" Night

Mar 31, 2009 23:21

Great. Let's see if I know any of these songs...

Anoop sang something by Usher. I had to rewind the DVR to see this twice. Not because I liked it. I just forgot it as soon as it ended. Not a good sign usually. Might be bottom three material.

Megan sang a Bob Marley song covered by Lauryn Hill...apparently. Wow. That might have saved Anoop. I'm beginning to wonder if I ever liked anything I've heard her sing. Can't recall.

Danny sang something by someone named Rascal Flats. That could be a person or a band. I don't know. Let it be known that at 0:29 into the show (I know because I rewound to see this again) Danny spits at America. If only I could return the favor. I really, really hate him, but he's way too talented to dismiss. The judges practically went down on him with praise, so I think I have to suffer through him for a least another six weeks.

Allison sang Don't Speak by No Doubt...a song I know and like. I even have a cover by Leela James that is pretty good. Maybe because I like this song...I liked Allison not at all this week. The judges mentioned her outfit, which I think was to make America forget the real problem. She just didn't have it singing wise tonight. This is her worst week yet. She should not play guitar because she and it were out of sync. No way she goes home though. Others were worse.

Scott sang Billy Joel's Just the Way You Are...frankly, I'm a little surprised Billy Joel is on the popular download list, but whatever...I just cringed when Scott said it was just him and the piano. We know you can do the slow piano thing. Would it kill you to play something up tempo? This was absolutely not contemporary. Kind of missed the point of the theme. It was a piano bar act, not a summer concert tour act. Why the judges thought this was good, I don't know. I seem to be disagreeing a lot tonight. Do they want him to stick around another week that bad? Or are we praising the average in the hopes that the truly below average (Megan) gets booted?

Matt sang a Fray(?) song. I liked this, but maybe because I don't know the original. Hated the high end squeal. The judges didn't like it. Another disagreement.

Lil sang a Celine Dion song. Always a mistake if you ask me. No bigger diva out there and you open yourself up to comparison and no one has the chops to match her. Besides, Celine is like what, 60? Play Las Vegas. Lil is way too young to be singing her songs.

Adam sang Wild Cherry's Play that Funky Music (White Boy). Last week he looked like Elvis. This week, it's Eddie Munster. Screeching, loud, and silly. What's strange is they tell the other eight contestants to be themselves, but Adam is so different each week, I have no idea what kind of pop star he would be. I have no idea what his album would be like. Unlike most singers on Idol, Adam's appeal to the judges seems to be his inconsistency. To me, that's a problem that's going to hurt him in the later rounds.

Kris sang Ain't No Sunshine. I have no idea who sang the original. (Tom Jones, maybe?) Best song of the night in my mind. I might even buy the iTunes version. I thought he would be gone in the early rounds, but he's definitely picking up steam as the weeks go by.

Bottom three prediction: Tough call this week. Anoop, Megan, and Lil, but Matt is right on the edge because I don't think the judges did him any favors. And I'm going to keep predicting Megan goes home until it happens. She's overdue. Like like a party guest who asks if there's any more wine when you're in your pajamas and brushing your teeth, she's outstayed her welcome.

american idol

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