
Aug 17, 2017 17:01

I'm alive! Life has been a bitch for the past two years. I haven't kept up with my writing, and my old WIPs are on hiatus. I intend to finish them, since I hate leaving anything unfinished, but how long that will take is anyone's guess.

I got sucked into the Yuri on Ice fandom at AO3 about 6 months ago and recently got the motivation to write again... I hope it sticks with me this time.

I see the LeeGaa livejournal has been silent for over two years now as well -- that makes me sad. Have the LeeGaa fans moved on to somewhere else? Those were good times.

I finally caved and got a tumblr. It's 'possibleplatypus.tumblr.com' if anyone is interested/wants to talk (you can also PM me on ffnet). Otherwise, I'll see you when I see you


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