Aug 25, 2006 17:09
Well, one virtually-update-free summer later, I'm back in Repton now, contemplating the extent to which LJ activity is directly related to my status as a hapless inhabitant of this small, isolated village *pokes self mockingly*
Flight was actually one of the easiest transatlantic journeys I've ever undertaken - fuck this bullshit about heightened terror alerts and blah-blah-blah, that was downright joyous. Still utterly knackered once I got on the train(s) back here, but not near as bad as I've come to expect. And I've still got another 2.5 days of uninterrupted rest in my small, isolated flat (and coming in the door, my first muddled thought was zomg, I love my living room soooo much, funny how I can forget how it looks) before school obligations kick off with the traditional drunken staff revel Monday night.
Speaking of school, my whack of accumulated post included a complicated looking form from the Headmaster which I think, after all the charts and numbers, indicates that I get a pay raise. w00t. That'll help keep me well-stocked in single malts and books ^^