Putting an end to this..

Dec 19, 2009 12:25

It's time for me to clear up a few things.. a LOT of things. Some of you may or may not know Goldenzoltan. He has been doing nothing but spreading slander and lies about me lately. What did I do to him?!? Nothing.. nothing horrible, nothing terrible. Nothing anywhre near the likes of what he's done to me.

This may be tl;dr.. but so worth it if you know the guy.

So I had called the police on him when he lived here.. and no, not to get rid of him. It was a simple matter of 'don't smoke your weed IN the house'. But he disrespected me, AND the other roommate here who didn't want that going on in the house either, and who respectfully adheres to the no smoking (his cigarettes) in the house himself. But that particular day GZ had decided to go and do it JUST to be a spiteful ass, and I don't appreciate that. I knew nothing was going to happen.. I know the cops don't care much about marijuana around here, they have much bigger drug problems to deal with. In fact I felt kinda bad for bothering them. But I was tired of it.. I was sick of the 'well you did this so I'm gonna do THIS back'.. act like a kid, you're going to get punished.

It's a terrible shame he has to go around and tell other people all these 'horrible' things and lies about me, just to make himself look better. Lying to his FRIENDS even, telling them the cops took his pipe.. "they took my pipe because of her.." no they fucking didn't. He wasn't charged with anything, either. OR fined. I also didn't tell the police he dealt or does 'a lot of drugs'. My exact words were, 'he smokes maybe once or twice a week'. Those who are his friends who he's been talking to about this need to seriously think twice about what he says.. he DID smoke, and even admitted that to the police. OH, sorry, it was a VAPORIZER... which, he'd also been asked to not use in the house before in the past.

You know, I don't instantaneously have a problem with someone just because they do drugs. It was all the lying, hiding, weaseling around the subject.. HE made it bad, which only made worse the stigma I had. ALL I wanted was honesty, and I never got that unless I had to verbally BEAT it out of him. And then fucking trying to get cocaine shipped here.. what the christ?! At least I put a stop to it. THAT drew the line, I was emotionally done at that point. And I do have to appologize, I feel bad for asking him to not go to Oklacon that weekend.. I SHOULD had just said, "Go.. I'm finished with you". I could have let him have his deceitful, drug-filled fun and avoided everything that came afterward.

But no. I was praying he'd start being honest with me..

Um, let's see, is there ANYTHING I could have done wrong.. I'm not sure. I never stole/broke/vandalized anything of his. He's taken SO much stuff of mine while he was packing his things.. mostly random little things, whatever he could grab. But I came home from work one day to find my keyboard covered in bitter spray (lolwtf??) and on my Wacom pen + holder, and my brand new (expensive) tablet, uh, 'pretend broken'.. stuffed a piece of lint in the USB cable so it wouldn't turn on, UUHHHHH, okay. o_O Stole money of mine (and someone else's) off my desk. Rifled through boxes I had packed, which I have yet to go through till I unpack them.. and other things


Okay so he actually brought some stuff back.. but there are STILL things missing, and I just KEEP finding more. Oh but it's ok. I owe him money, and believe me I am going to lessen that money after I assign value to everything that's missing.. and that I even THINK is missing at this point. Oh and he decided to destroy our garage door opener.. after lying and saying "I don't know where it is". Fucking ass, I SAW IT IN HIS CAR THAT DAY. Brought it back two days later, all torn apart. "Found it in the grass, someone must have ran over it"... really, is that why the battery was pinched with a pair of pliers?? Oh well, that's another $50 I'm not paying him because that's what the landloard is going to charge us for it.

God, let's not forget BREAKING AND ENTERING and DISABLING MY VEHICLE while I was at work. Fucking freak. THAT is what called for the order of protection. HAD to the call the police on that anyway.. I was instructed to. Wasn't even MY vehicle.

When he was served the order and couldn't talk to me, he took it out on my roommate, Creed.
Session Start: Fri Dec 18 19:45:52 2009 -0600
[19:45] goldenzoltan: fuck you man
[19:45] goldenzoltan: fuck you
[19:46] Fluffmutt: Whatever.
[19:48] goldenzoltan: you are going to be a worthless piece of fat shit the rest of your life
[19:48] goldenzoltan: you will never have your own garage
[19:48] goldenzoltan: you will be cold and poor and angry the rest of your days
[19:49] goldenzoltan: you told her I was going to kill her pets?
[19:49] goldenzoltan: I SAID I FELT ANGRY
[19:49] goldenzoltan: I NEVER THREATENED HER
[19:49] goldenzoltan: AND I NEVER HURT HER
[19:49] Fluffmutt: And you're a lying, decietful, thieving, abusive bastard with no grounding in reality.
[19:49] Fluffmutt: And no, I don't recall telling her that.
[19:49] goldenzoltan: well that was on the police report today
[19:49] goldenzoltan: that I was given
[19:49] goldenzoltan: at work
[19:50] goldenzoltan: you just wait buddy
[19:50] goldenzoltan: you are really a coward
[19:50] Fluffmutt: But regardless.Welcome to my block list you ignorant asshole. Go harass someone that cares, I have no time for people like you.
[19:50] goldenzoltan: you couldnt have said any of this to my face
[19:50] goldenzoltan: haha
[19:50] goldenzoltan: classic furry
[19:51] goldenzoltan: enjoy second life
Session Close (goldenzoltan): Fri Dec 18 19:51:16 2009 -0600
WHICH is full of irony by the way, because he could only say all of that over the innernet to begin with.

You know, he has upset me even more than NECCO has, and that's a fucking lot. He is pretty two-faced also, to be all buddy buddy with Necco now, believing and feeding on all his lies about me.. when back when they both lived here and he saw first-hand how Necco was, it was the total opposite. Oh and PS people... I DID NOT DATE NECCO. (yes he is STILL lying, can you believe that?!)

He likes telling everyone I 'sucked him dry'. That I dropepd him when he wouldn't give me anymore money. Wtf?! Wait hang on. First off, HE BROKE UP WITH ME. Second of all.. HE NEVER GAVE ME ANY MONEY. He payed for half of an inspection on ONE house (uh, half of $275?!) which he offered and I only accepted because I didn't even really want the place to begin with. Lie, lie, and lie some more. I THINK there was another $500 involved in there, that may or may not have been from me originally anyway, I can't remember, there was so much going on at the time.. but I never ran around asking for money. Or anything, for that matter. Hell he didn't even have a job till not too long ago.. WHICH I HAD TO APPLY FOR FOR HIM, btw. (twice)

He's always been the kind of person to come off as everyone else is wrong and he's the only one right. He is disloyal and only looks out for himsself; Doing the 'right thing' with no emotion or feeling whatsoever, only to satisfy HIMSELF.. 'just because', as if someone else was telling him what to do. A dog my ass.. he better fits the slug suit he wanted. He's shown and told enough people personal shit of mine, all to put his own self at ease. Well, the reason he was fired (or chosen to be layed off) from his nice high-paying job is because he couldn't NOT look at PORN on his company issued laptop.. pathetic. Sometimes I wonder.. what did he even DO for me?? All he can seem to tell other people is, "I cooked for her all the time!" Yes. But, you can't just cook food for someone every day, expecting that makes you a perfect person.

I've had it.. and I've never had it THIS much with anyone. After all the slander, the LIES spread about me.. after lying over and over again TO me. After acting like an evil, vindictive, blaspheming douchebag. What a SAD excuse for someone who claims to be a Christian.. and a damn hypocrite at that. For the same reason I needed to 'not judge people for doing drugs', he sure needed to do take the same advice. Are you a furry?! Instant loser in his book. Babyfur?? Well then you MUST be a pedophile..

I had never, EVER, felt more hurt by someone in the few months I was with that kid, than I have by anyone else (inc. physical abuse) in my entire life. Praise the Lord it's over.
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