May 03, 2006 01:12
GOING TO DR. TOMORROW TO DECIDE WHAT TO DO. Obviously Cymbalta isnot thedrug for me.
I have an anxiety/depression disorder. I think it is postpartum. I cried crazy hard today, like screaming hard. I feel better now knowing I'm getting help tomorow. They will decide if I need to be hospitalized
I feel much, much better because of YOUR support -- everyone on livejournal who has been there with me in spirit and is with me in spirit now. It is fucking hard to know you have such a great life and you can't appreciate it becaus my brain chemistry is so fucked up/
I hope the surgery on May 16 (D and C, Hysteroscopy, and Novasure) will regulate my hormones,which are RAGING and arethe major cause of my depression nd my daily migraines I juust KNOW IT.
Thank you everyone. If Isound calmer, it is beacause I am on Valium right now. Tomorow I will get drugs in a strength that works for me. For example, it taks 8 mg. ofKlonopin to even begin towork. I took 12 mg. of Valium tonight, andthat BARELY did it. So I need something serious to calm my very troubled mind.
In TX I am totallylooking into EMDR, as well as a 12 step program (alAnon) and talk therapy,. It is time,my friends,to getmy shit together. When Ithink of that wounded five year old inside of me, hiding under a table rocking and hmming to try to block out the noise of the arguments, it is almost too much to bear, But I must go back there, heal that child,and forgive my parents.
PL gius.thanks for your support. Imight need a lot more of it in the future. I mean, this is t=just the beginning of a lpong journey.
IF you don't hear fromme in a few weeks it is because they decided to hospitalize me.
I love you all,and I am not going to hurt myself. I promise.