Sep 12, 2004 17:34
so i finally found a different picture. sad thing is, the old one is more what my face looks like. white w/ pink blotches. this one only looks semi-normal because it was during 'wizard of oz' so i had a crapload of stage makeup on. hah, that seems like such a long time ago.
anyhow. today may came over around one and woke me up. then i did some homework and she took a picture of me. luckily she "waited til i had my mouth closed". apparently i read w/ my mouth hanging open. then she took some pictures of my horn because its cool w/ all the 18 feet of wound up tubing.
then i fished the rest of my homework. kinda. i hate precalc. its so screwy.
my cousins and grandparents are coming soon. actually, they were suposed to be here forty minutes ago. we're eating crabs for dinner. yum. crabs and catfish are pretty much my only exceptions to vegetarianism. the past couple times tho one of the crabs has escaped in our kitchen and sarah has accidentaly found it. pooor kid wont go in the kitchen any more. can't blame her.