Dec 02, 2011 11:42
....where I slave over christmas/holiday cards! Normally I hate any mention of Christmas/the holidays until about December 20, but....I can't exactly start working on cards that late. |D;; SO. If you want a card from me, comment here! Doesn't matter if I've known you for years or days, doesn't matter if you live in the US or outside the US. If you want a card, I will mail you one. I also owe a few of you gifts, so you'll be getting those along with the card.
Do note that I traditionally decorate and draw all over the envelope, so if that's going to be an issue, please do let me know! I'll decorate the inside of your card instead.
Comments are screened and this post is open to the public, in case you want to direct people here that you think would be interested in a card from me. IF YOU'RE CRAZY AND WANT TO SEND ME A CARD BACK just make note of that and I'll get you my address.
name ❂ the name i should put on the envelope
address ❂ self-explanatory!
additional comments ❂ do you prefer a holiday card as opposed to a christmas card? is your postal system going to go batshit if i doodle all over the envelope? are you allergic to glitter? what is your favorite color? stuff like that goes here.
gimme ur addresses ppl,